Today the fires reached new heights—I should say last night, to be honest. It is honestly pretty wild. I decided not to leave the house and force my work to let me work at home. Funny enough, that is something I’m aiming for with my work here with La Niña Verde. I’m hoping this can be something we can continue through and after this work during the novena. This is a component of a larger work with Her I’m engaged in, and She really does deliver. It’s on me to keep the ball rolling.
I spoke my first rosary today, but I need to say one for last night as well. Tonight, I have no excuse to miss saying the rosary.
These fires are very serious here. I will have more to say tomorrow about the work here with Nuestra Madre. Gracias, Santísima. Te quiero, La Santa.
I will add to this prayer I used yesterday. It really resonates with me and feels very special when I speak it at her altar in my home.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea.
Santa Muerte, La Niña Verde,
thank you for your unending understanding.
Thank you for aiding me in my discipline in life, and within my work with you now.
Today, I want to thank you,
be still,
and begin the work
required to respect
the victories you've brought.
I am grateful for your work and will continue to build on it with you.
To work with you further,
after your blessings is a gift itself.
Thank you, niña bonita.
I am in awe of you,
I humbly strive
to remain true to the discipline
I've committed myself to with you now.
Every instance of injustice directed against me,
Every stalling tactic and obstacle,
set forth by those considering me their enemy,
will surely fall to Your swinging scythe!
Te honro,
te saludo,
Madre de La Justicia!
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea
A Morning with La Niña Verde: Reflections on Santa Muerte, Prayer, and Gratitude
Exhausted from yesterday, I fell asleep unusually early, almost immediately after sitting down when I got home from work. As a result, I began this day by saying two rosaries to La Niña Verde this morning. This deviation from my regular morning routine felt significant—as if she was trying to tell me something. Or better yet, as if she was trying to help me understand or achieve something deeper, forcing me to take the time and space to wake up and focus on my spiritual work. This practice and my other practices are so important to me; doing these things is of the utmost importance.
The Importance of Discipline in Spiritual Practice
Maintaining these practices and the discipline surrounding them is extremely important to me. It’s not just a personal priority—it’s a key part of my worldview. Discipline in ritual and practice is essential not only for self-development but also for deepening one’s relationship with Santa Muerte. It strengthens your personal connection and helps you progress in your spiritual path—in your level and the way in general, if you know what I mean. Progression with the way and the path is the ultimate goal in my mind, and it is a path I am committed to entirely.
New Prayers for La Niña Verde: Adding to My Novena
This morning, I also introduced my newest prayer from yesterday to La Niña Verde, adding it to my usual morning prayer. I can see this becoming a lasting addition to my novenas, incorporating prayers I write the previous day into the following morning's rosary ritual. These added prayers are in addition to expressing my thankfulness for hearing my petition and allowing me to have her presence and attention in the work I am doing with her.
Some of the time reciting the rosaries was spent in front of my Santa Muerte altar, while other moments happened as I walked through the house, preparing myself for the day ahead—making my tea, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, gathering my things, making my bed, etc. Reciting two rosaries in direct succession created a profound shift in my mental and spiritual state. It deepened my connection with Her this morning and gave me much to reflect on. The time I spent in front of my altar was especially powerful. I’m sure if you have your own altar, you can relate to what I’m saying without needing me to expound much more.
Gratitude to La Niña Verde Amid Chaos
I remain deeply grateful for her understanding and persistence with me. Her guidance and protection are constant reminders of why I maintain this practice. Today, as fires rage across California, I am particularly thankful for her protection.
To everyone reading this, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect, prioritize safety, and stay connected to what truly matters. Let us not allow worldly pressures to pull us away from our spiritual paths and personal well-being. Your bosses do not own you. You are a beautiful creation of this universe, and no matter how you feel or what is happening, I see this in you, as does La Santa Muerte.
After writing this, I am thinking of a different way to update these here.
Instead of a new prayer today, I will repeat my prayer from yesterday this morning and again tomorrow.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea.
Santa Muerte, La Niña Verde,
thank you for your unending understanding.
Thank you for aiding me in my discipline in life, and within my work with you now.
Today, I want to thank you,
be still,
and begin the work
required to respect
the victories you've brought.
I am grateful for your work and will continue to build on it with you.
To work with you further,
after your blessings is a gift itself.
Thank you, niña bonita.
I am in awe of you,
I humbly strive
to remain true to the discipline
I've committed myself to with you now.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea
This prayer is in Spanish below as well.
I woke this morning feeling a little slow, but I immediately jumped into saying my rosary. In just the first two days of this work with La Niña Verde, I have experienced more than I could have imagined. Now begins the time for me to work seriously on handling these blessings and continuing through this novena. Keeping my consistency is key here, as it is a promise I have made to Her.
During this time of deeper work with La Niña Verde, I have to stay steady, for whatever She gives, She can easily take away when disrespected or taken for granted. In this way, She is also speaking on how to Be. This sort of respect is deserved from those you love (people and beyond). To say you love or respect something is to do your most honest work to stay true to all of it.
Without this, all things you prop up will collapse, whether it is your work here with Nuestra Santísima Niña Bonita or in your life in general.
To truly build something is a daily labor of love and pain. Each new day brings both small and large goals to work through, as well as the opportunity to let go of fleeting (yet sometimes necessary) motivations that are building toward larger revelations and breakthroughs.
It is essential not to become attached to the daily workings but to keep moving forward with whatever comes, adjusting your efforts as needed. The work we are involved in is dynamic—do not lose your vigilance.
It is only in this way that you will truly be able to build from the momentum and matter you accumulate through your efforts. Without this understanding, everything will continually combust before you, and each new moment will be built on nothing. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is no foundation. Set your structures and tend to them diligently as they begin to grow. Do not lose your vigilance.
Keeping the right aim is essential, keeping consistent discipline is essential. Hold yourself accountable, or She will do it for you.
Today, I have written my own prayer.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea.
Santa Muerte, La Niña Verde,
thank you for your unending understanding.
Thank you for aiding me in my discipline in life, and within my work with you now.
Today, I want to thank you,
be still,
and begin the work
required to respect
the victories you've brought.
I am grateful for your work and will continue to build on it with you.
To work with you further,
after your blessings is a gift itself.
Thank you, niña bonita.
I am in awe of you,
I humbly strive
to remain true to the discipline
I've committed myself to with you now.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea
Día Tres
Me desperté esta mañana sintiéndome un poco lenta, pero inmediatamente me lancé a rezar mi rosario. En sólo los dos primeros días de este trabajo con La Niña Verde, he experimentado más de lo que podría haber imaginado. Ahora comienza para mí el tiempo de trabajar seriamente en manejar estas bendiciones y continuar a través de esta novena. Mantener mi constancia es clave aquí, ya que es una promesa que le he hecho a Ella.
Durante este tiempo de trabajo más profundo con La Niña Verde, tengo que mantenerme firme, porque todo lo que Ella da puede quitarlo fácilmente si se le falta al respeto o se da por sentado. De esta manera, Ella también está hablando sobre cómo debemos Ser. Este tipo de respeto es merecido por aquellos que amas (personas y más allá). Decir que amas o respetas algo es hacer tu trabajo más honesto para permanecer fiel a todo ello.
Sin esto, todas las cosas que apuntalas se derrumbarán, ya sea tu trabajo aquí con Nuestra Santísima Niña Bonita o en tu vida en general.
Construir verdaderamente algo es una labor diaria de amor y dolor. Cada nuevo día trae consigo pequeños y grandes objetivos en los que trabajar, así como la oportunidad de dejar ir motivaciones fugaces (aunque a veces necesarias) que están construyendo hacia revelaciones y avances mayores.
Es esencial no apegarse al trabajo diario, sino seguir avanzando con lo que venga, ajustando los esfuerzos según sea necesario. El trabajo en el que estamos inmersos es dinámico: no pierdas la vigilancia.
Sólo así podrás construir de verdad a partir del impulso y la materia que acumules con tus esfuerzos. Sin esta comprensión, todo arderá continuamente ante ti, y cada nuevo momento se construirá sobre la nada. Como seguro que sabes, esto no son cimientos. Establece tus estructuras y cuídalas con diligencia cuando empiecen a crecer. No bajes la guardia.
Mantener el objetivo correcto es esencial, mantener una disciplina constante es esencial. Hazte responsable, o Ella lo hará por ti.
Hoy, he escrito mi propia oración.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que Así Sea.
Santa Muerte, La Niña Verde,
Gracias por tu infinita comprensión.
Gracias por ayudarme con mi disciplina en la vida y en mi trabajo contigo.
Hoy quiero agradecerte,
permanecer en calma,
y comenzar el trabajo necesario para respetar
las victorias que has traído.
Aprecio tu trabajo y seguiré construyendo sobre él contigo.
Seguir trabajando contigo después de tus bendiciones es, en sí mismo, un regalo.
Gracias, niña bonita.
Te admiro.
Me esfuerzo humildemente
para permanecer fiel a la disciplina
a la que me he comprometido contigo.
Gracias, Santa Muerte.
Te quiero mucho, Santísima.
Que así sea.
Yesterday, I started my first Novena of the year. It’s dedicated to La Niña Verde, and I’m asking for her help and blessings. To prepare, I looked through some books I have (temporarily gifted to me by an amazing Devotee), along with my personal prayers and rosary. From these, I created my first opening ritual last night.
Today, I felt like I should do more for the second day of the Novena. I decided to look online to see if others had done anything special for her. I found someone who had shared public prayers to La Niña Bonita, especially for La Niña Verde, a few years ago. This inspired me to start this page. Each day during this Novena, I’ll rewrite prayers for La Niña Verde as part of my daily work with her. These prayers, along with my two daily rosaries, will help me stay connected to her throughout the day. At night, I’ll add these prayers to my rosary, while in the mornings, I’ll leave my specific request and prayer at the altar I made for her.
Right now, I have my green rosary with a small statue of her attached in front of me. I dedicate this prayer to you, La Niña Verde. Thank you for your care, your patience, your understanding, and the victories you bring. I love you, my beautiful lady.
Prayer to La Santa Muerte Verde
O La Santa Muerte Verde,
I give my deepest thanks to You!
Sovereign Lady,
I declare You my Advocate!
Every instance of injustice directed against me,
Every stalling tactic and obstacle set forth by those considering me their enemy,
Will surely fall to Your swinging scythe!
Te honro,
te saludo,
Madre de La Justicia!
Lady of Righteousness,
You see the Truth even in the midst of darkness,
You squash all attacks from these vampires and parasites who seek only egoic goals.
Thank you for inevitable victory through you against all attacks!
With you, I know there is no worry.
Viva La Santísima!
Ayer empecé mi primera Novena del año. Está dedicada a La Niña Verde, y le pido su ayuda y bendiciones. Para prepararme, revisé algunos libros que tengo (temporalmente regalados por un increíble Devoto/a), junto con mis oraciones personales y mi rosario. Con esto, anoche creé mi primer ritual de apertura.
Hoy sentí que debía hacer algo más para el segundo día de la Novena. Decidí buscar en Internet si alguien había hecho algo especial por ella. Encontré a alguien que había compartido oraciones públicas para La Niña Bonita, especialmente para La Niña Verde, hace unos años. Esto me inspiró a crear esta página. Durante esta Novena, escribiré nuevas oraciones para La Niña Verde cada día como parte de mi trabajo diario con ella. Estas oraciones, junto con mis dos rosarios diarios, me ayudarán a mantenerme conectada con ella a lo largo del día. Por las noches, añadiré estas oraciones a mi rosario, mientras que por las mañanas, dejaré mis peticiones y oraciones específicas en el altar que hice para ella.
En este momento, tengo frente a mí mi rosario verde con una pequeña estatua de ella. Dedico esta oración a ti, La Niña Verde. Gracias por tu cuidado, tu paciencia, tu comprensión y las victorias que nos traes. Te amo, mi bella dama.
Oración a La Santa Muerte Verde
Oh, La Santa Muerte Verde,
Te doy mis más profundas gracias.
Señora Soberana,
¡Te declaro mi Abogada!
Toda injusticia dirigida contra mí,
cada táctica dilatoria y obstáculo puesto por quienes me consideran su enemiga,
caerá bajo tu poderosa guadaña.
Te honro,
te saludo,
¡Madre de la Justicia!
Señora de la Justicia,
Tú ves la Verdad incluso en medio de la oscuridad.
Aplastas todos los ataques de esos vampiros y parásitos que solo buscan objetivos egoístas.
¡Gracias por la inevitable victoria que me otorgas contra todos los ataques!
Contigo sé que no hay preocupación.
¡Viva la Santísima!