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This is our Novena page, a sacred space dedicated to devotion and prayer for La Santísima Muerte, the Most Holy Death.

A novena is a deeply personal spiritual practice, where you repeat a prayer daily while a novena candle burns, offering your intentions to Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte. Whether you are seeking protection, blessings, or guidance, this practice allows you to align with her energy and trust in her power.

We begin this page with a Niña Blanca Novena, a prayer to the compassionate and powerful White Lady. As you begin your novena, take a moment to submit your petition to La Señora de las Sombras. You can speak your request aloud, write it down, and place it on her altar, or even tuck it where her scythe rests, returning it when your petition has been answered—if she permits.

Always ask her permission for things like this. Always thank Her for her time and attention with you. Be mindful, listen to her, and honor her wisdom.

Personally, I like to pray my novena during my rosary when I reach the Y-connector. You might feel led to practice differently, and that’s perfectly fine. Light your candle on the first day, say your novena prayer, and let La Reina del Mictlán guide your intentions. With each day, deepen your connection to Nuestra Santa Madre and trust her to hear your prayers.

This page will continue to grow as we add more novenas honoring La Madrina's many aspects, offering new ways to connect with her. If you feel inspired, you’re welcome to adapt or add to these prayers personally—what matters most is your devotion and the intentions you hold close to your heart. 

Keep moving forward. You are loved. 

Niña Blanca Novena

Niña Blanca, my most Holy Mother of Death, powerful white Lady, look at me with mercy and compassion as I call upon your power now. Niña Blanca, gather me close with your powerful right hand, and push away my enemies with your powerful left hand. Cover me in your mantle of protection as a shield agasint all danger, and with your bright shinning heart, light my path to knowledge, wisdom, and power. Niña Blanca, my most loving and powerful protector, please guard me and guide me now.

Amen, Thank You, So It Is & So Be It. 
Niña Verde Novena
Oh Niña Verde, most holy magistrate,
You preside over the greatest court of them all.
Just Judge, all things fall within your jurisdiction.
Please protect me from censure and false contracts,
Dismiss each and every charge filed against me,
And make rulings in my favor.
Grant me your clear and impartial eye
To see the truth in all matters and treat them fairly.
Break both the chains of habit and circumstance
That bind me to untrustworthy people and places.
Please protect me, my family, and my home
From violation by criminals or rivals.
Holy Death of Justice, your court is the highest authority.
I rely upon your favor and power now.
Amen, Thank You, So It Is & So Be It.