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Novena of Surrender

Novena of Surrender to Santa Muerte


This Novena of Surrender is dedicated to Santa Muerte, Our Lady of Holy Death, drawing from the tradition of creating something new through reverence and adaptation. Just as Indigenous practices have historically reshaped spiritual expressions, this prayer reimagines surrender through the lens of devotion to Santa Muerte. Let this novena guide you to trust, release, and embrace her wisdom and power.

Light your candle and recite this prayer in front of your altar if you are able. If not, recite this prayer with an image of La Madrina if you are able to, if not, hold Her in your mind and meditate on Her presence before starting. Thank Her after everything for Her understanding and grace.

Day One: Trust in the Lady of Shadows

Santa Muerte, Lady of Shadows, I surrender my worries to you. Shield me from harm and guide me through the unknown.

Holy Mother, I call on you today to request your help, my beautiful Niña Blanca. Do not leave me alone; I need your aid now, tomorrow, and always. In dark storms, where there is not one ray of sunshine, I know that the solution always lies in your holy hands. Through your divine power, I ask you to cast your holy mantle of protection over my life and the lives of those I love. Protect us from all evil and care for us. My pure soul is in your care, my beloved and Holy Mother.

“Santa Muerte, I trust in you.”

Day Two: Release of Control

Santa Muerte, Queen of Transformation, I let go of my need to control and ask you to guide me.

O, Santa Muerte, my Niña Blanca, you hold the secrets of life and death. I ask you to cleanse my spirit, to free me from the need to control that which is beyond my reach. Help me accept the natural flow of life, as you show that all things are under your divine care. Your wisdom surpasses my understanding; I surrender my burdens to you.

“Holy Death, take my burdens.”

Day Three: Protection and Strength

Santa Muerte, Mother of All, be my shield and my strength.

Holy and Magnificent Death, I humbly ask you for protection. Cover me with your sacred mantle and repel all evil intentions directed at me. Keep me safe from harm, hidden from my enemies, and free from curses and negative energies. Take hold of my hand, guide me on the path before me, and remove all barriers. May your scythe clear the way for peace and safety.

“Niña Blanca, guard my soul.”

Day Four: Acceptance of Change

Santa Muerte, Lady of the Scythe, help me embrace change as a path to growth.

My Powerful Mother, let me see the beauty in transformation. With your scythe, you cut away what no longer serves. Teach me to embrace the endings that bring renewal and growth. Let me trust in your wisdom as I navigate change, knowing that your guidance is ever-present.

“Santa Muerte, I embrace the cycle.”

Day Five: Healing and Renewal

Santa Muerte, Keeper of Bones, grant me healing and renewal.

Blessed Niña Blanca, you who are the soother and the purifier, please protect and aid me now. Gentle healer, please remove the sickness and pains that plague me. Cleanse me and purify me of the negative energy that saps my strength, and drive out any spirits that seek to harm me. I believe in your power to restore me to wholeness.

“Holy Death, restore me.”

Day Six: Gratitude for Life’s Gifts

Santa Muerte, Giver of Gifts, I thank you for the blessings of life.

Beautiful and Gracious Mother, thank you for your daily blessings. I give thanks for the peace you bring to my spirit, the love that surrounds me, and the abundance of life. Teach me to always recognize the gifts you bestow and to approach each day with gratitude.

“Lady of Shadows, I am grateful.”

Day Seven: Connection with the Divine

Santa Muerte, Bridge Between Worlds, guide me to the divine.

My Holy Death, you walk the boundaries of life and eternity. Help me deepen my connection with the divine. Lead me in meditation and prayer to understand the mysteries of the universe. Your wisdom is a light in the darkness, and I trust you to guide me.

“Santa Muerte, show me the way.”

Day Eight: Liberation from Fear

Santa Muerte, Liberator of Souls, free me from fear.

Dearest Niña Negra, your power calms the fears of the soul. Protect me from the shadows of fear that cloud my path. Grant me courage and faith to walk boldly, knowing that your presence surrounds me at all times.

“Niña Negra, grant me courage.”

Day Nine: Total Surrender

Santa Muerte, Queen of Mictlan, I surrender all to you.

Beloved Mother, I place my life in your hands. I surrender my fears, my desires, and my dreams to you. Guide me with your wisdom and lead me to peace. Let my soul find rest in your embrace, knowing that I am safe in your care.

“Holy Death, I am yours.”

Closing Prayer

Thank you for bringing me to you Santa Muerte. O Santa Muerte, mi Corazon, I thank you for all the help you give me and give us all who ask with love; I ask you never to leave my side, to take care of the path I tread, and to care for all my family and all the beings I love.

O Santa Muerte, forgive me if I sometimes despair, doubt, or distrust, but I never doubt you! My Mother, please never forget that I exist, and always be with me everywhere I go. Defend me from all those who want to hurt me.

Grant me the blessing of seeing you even in my dreams. To see you, hear you, and have you in my life makes me the happiest mortal.

I thank you, my Mother, for taking care of my path and all those dear to me. Amen, Gracias, Y Que Asi Sea, La Santa.